PAComplex: Infer Peptide Antigen Family and TCR-pMHC Binding Model
PAComplex is a web server investigating and visualizing both TCR-peptide / peptide-MHC interfaces; furthermore, it provides biological insights of TCR-pMHC binding models.
  • Choose a format of peptide to run:
  • Peptide set
  • Protein sequence
Input a sequence of protein.
Enter FASTA sequence  (example 1) (example 2)

Reference to cite:
Liu, I.-H., Lo, Y.-S. and Yang, J.-M. PAComplex: a web server to infer peptide antigen families and binding models from TCR¡VpMHC complexes. Nucleic Acids Research 39:W254-W260 (2011).
Related references:
1. Chen, Y.-C., Lo, Y.-S., Hsu, W.-C. and Yang, J.-M. 3D-partner: a web server to infer interacting partners and binding models. Nucleic Acids Research 35:W561-W567 (2007).
2. Chen, C.-C., Lin, C.-Y., Lo, Y.-S. and Yang, J.-M. PPISearch: a web server for searching homologous protein-protein interactions across multiple species. Nucleic Acids Research 37:W376-W383 (2009).
3. Lo, Y.-S., Lin, C.-Y. and Yang, J.-M. PCFamily: a web server for searching homologous protein complexes. Nucleic Acids Research 38:W516-W522 (2010).